$40.00 USD

If you would like to receive CLE credit in Nevada, please check this box. The Mediator Training Center charges $5 per CLE credit to cover the costs of offering and seeking credit for participants as an accredited provider.

Managing Power Differentials in Online Mediation

This one and a half hour, on-demand course walks mediators through the unique power imbalances that arise in the online mediation setting, including accessibility, domestic violence and hybrid sessions. This course helps mediators understand and prepare for managing these power imbalances, providing a more meaningful mediation experience. 

Approved for 1.5 general CLE credits in Nevada. 

MTC Trainers: Margaret Crowley & Melissa Mangiaracina

What People Are Saying:

[This course] was extremely helpful for my mediation practice, my court mediation roles and my campus ombuds role. Perhaps the most personally beneficial session!