$1,300.00 USD

40-Hour Basic Mediation Training Early Bird Registration

Please use this form to register and pay for the 40-Hour Basic Mediation class. Once you have registered, you will receive an email with additional information about the class.

Since it is difficult for us to fill spots when students cancel at the last minute, we have implemented the following policies and procedures regarding refunds.

  • More than 60 days in advance, we will refund everything except a nonrefundable $200 deposit;
  • 30-60 days in advance, we will refund 50% of the cost of the class or you may elect to apply the payment to the next 40-hour class;
  • less than 30 days in advance, we are unable to issue a refund, as this does not give us ample time to fill the vacant spot. 

Thank you for understanding. We look forward to having you in class.